This is our story.
Let us tell yours!

We love animation. Plain and simple. We founded Noble Creative Collective because we believe in the power of strategic creativity (not just creativity for the sake of having fun), and we’re eager to share our talents to help businesses tell their stories effectively.

We use a proven process to help our clients tell compelling stories, and we guide them through this process from start to finish. Giving our clients the opportunity to weigh in at each milestone helps to ensure that they’re always satisfied. 

Meet the team dedicated to telling your story:

(a.k.a. Lando)

Co-owner / Creative Collaborator /
Executive Gif Handler

As a kid, I was an aspiring filmmaker. I’ve always been a fan of a well-told story, and I knew that I always wanted to tell stories for a living. I’ve been fortunate enough to get to do just that for over 14 years, in a variety of ways. I’m giddy when I get to guide our clients through the animation process and (literally) put their story into motion. I love spending time with my wife and step-pup.

(a.k.a. Ceej)

Co-owner / Creative Collaborator /
Chief Pun Officer

I’m Chaotic Neutral in human form. If you know anything about D&D, you know that means I get the job done no matter what it takes. I love video games and illustration, but I love my wife and kiddos the most. My kids inspire me to create work that they would enjoy and be proud of. In the 10 or so years that I’ve been in the game, I’ve enjoyed bringing positivity to those around me, from coworkers to clients. Jim Carrey is my spirit animal.

Want to see our design work in motion?